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2023 Trauma Simulation Night


Registrations are NOW CLOSED for Patient, Paramedic Crew, and Scene Coordinator Roles. The registration link is sent out via emails so make sure you’re up to date with contact information.

Our Simulation Nights are a fantastic event for students, faculty, alumni, and the wider emergency services. The USQSPS Trauma Night in particular is an event for our students to focus on ‘The Big Jobs’; traumatic scenarios such as broken limbs, crush injuries, burns etc.

Our First Year students do a splendid job as patients and scene coordinators while our Second and Third Years get hands-on experience running these scenarios as they would in the real world. All of our scenarios are run by qualified QAS paramedics and our fantastic UniSQ faculty, and we are often lucky to have QFES officers and sometimes QPS attend to provide that interoperability opportunity.

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